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Privacy Policy

This section explains what information we collect from you. Personal information is any information that can identify you. When you use our services, you provide us with information. This includes information given during registration, orders, participation in events or projects, contacting us, interacting with customer support, or social media. We collect your first and last name, phone number, email, date of birth, username, and account password. Additionally, we collect banking information and other data such as your communications with the company and transaction-related information. When you use our products or services, some information is automatically collected. This includes information about your device, how you use our website and services, such as login times and dates, account settings, and transaction-related information.

Use of User Information

Here are some examples of how we use your personal information:

  •  Creating an Account: To use our services, you need to create an account. We require your name, email address, and phone number to create this account and contact you.
  •  Legal Reasons for Collecting Information: You provide your information so that we can create your account. Without this information, we cannot offer you services.
  •  Providing Services: To provide services such as access and necessary features, we need to process your personal information. This includes your name, address, phone number, email, and other details.
  •  Marketing: We may use your information to promote our products and services or invite you to events. If you do not wish to receive marketing messages from us, you can opt out.
  •  Processing Based on Legitimate Interests: Sometimes we may use your personal information to maintain a relationship with users who have used our services. This can include sending you marketing content, provided you have given consent.
  •  Interactions via Social Media: If you contact us through social media, we may collect your name, email, phone number, and other personal information to respond to your needs.
  •  Improving Services: We may process your personal information to enhance, test, and improve the services you use.

In general, we carefully use your personal information, such as your name, address, phone number, and email, along with other information related to your use of our services.

Processing of Personal Data

Our goal in collecting and processing personal data is to improve our services. We use data analysis to better understand consumer behavior and usage patterns of our website and services. This data includes names, addresses, contact numbers, emails, and information related to website usage and trial transaction results. Users' personal data are stored using encryption technology and protected by technical and organizational security measures to prevent unauthorized access or disclosure. User data is retained for the necessary period to achieve the specified purposes and processed within the legal framework, after which it is deleted or anonymized. Some of these purposes include:

  • Executing contracts and fulfilling legal obligations
  • Retaining personal information for up to 5 years after the termination of the last contract, unless opposed or unsubscribed
  • Keeping data to meet legal obligations for a specified period

Personal data may be shared with service providers, financial institutions, and other third parties to achieve our services. Third parties are obligated to protect personal data according to legal standards and use it only based on our instructions. In cases where third parties act as data controllers, they collect and process personal data for their specific purposes and according to their guidelines.

User Rights

1 . Right of Access: You can request detailed information about the use of your personal data at any time. If you wish, you can receive a free report of the data collected under your request. Please note that repeated reports may incur a fee.

2 . Right to Rectification: If your personal information needs updating or correction, please inform us so we can rectify it promptly. Registered users on the website can directly edit their information.

3 . Right to Erasure: If your personal data is no longer needed or you withdraw your consent, you can request its deletion. This right applies under certain conditions and will be executed if processing your data is not necessary for legal purposes or defending our legal rights.

4 . Right to Restrict Processing: You can request that the processing of your data be temporarily halted, for example, when the accuracy of the data is in question or if the processing is unlawful but you do not want it deleted.

5 . Right to Object: You have the right to object to processing based on our legitimate interests. This may include activities such as direct marketing.

6 . Right to Withdraw Consent: You can withdraw your consent for data processing at any time without affecting the legality of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

7 . Right to Avoid Automated Decision-Making:

You have the right not to be subject to decisions made solely based on automated processing that has significant effects on you, unless this is based on your explicit consent or relevant laws.

8 . Right to Complain:

If you are concerned about the misuse of your personal data, you can file a complaint with the relevant supervisory authorities.

Note: We reserve the right to make changes to these policies; however, any significant changes will be communicated to you. You can view the updated version of the policies from your account.

Contact Us: To exercise any of your rights, please contact us at [email protected].

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